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Hi! I’m Jackson,

Mental Health Advocate & Crooked Hat Wearer (see any photo of me)

What do I struggle with?

Like many people, I encounter challenges with my daily life due to mental health struggles. These include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Emetophobia

  • Persistant Depressive Disorder

It’s a nice cocktail of challenges that work together and feed off of each other, impacting every part of my life from work and social events to friendships, relationships, and life experience.

What do I believe?

  • There is hope for all of us. Regardless of how alone we feel, how helpless we feel, or how much pain we are in. I believe we are ALL far stronger than we know and that the ability to strengthen our minds and adjust our mindset to overcome any challenge with mental health is something we learn. It’s not written in our DNA that we will struggle from a debilitating mental disorder for the rest of our lives, it’s not unchangeable like our eye colour or height. What we face in our lives regarding mental health is no different from any other problem; we learn the solution and put in the work to implement it until we see results, like going to the gym, eating healthier, or learning to read.

  • Mental health issues can make us feel alone even when we are not.

  • Like any great stigmatized issue, the more people talk with each other about mental health, the more support, resources, programs, research, and hope there will be for all those suffering.

  • Our minds are more powerful than we realize, and, ultimately, everything in our life from the quality, to our happiness, success, fulfillment, joy, and ability to overcome our challenges all comes down to one thing–our mindset.

What are my current goals?

  • Share my story with you through my YouTube videos and blog articles.

  • Complete The Thrive Program (x2) and commit to 8 weeks of exercises.

  • Take the Go Train by myself to Toronto and visit friends there at least 3 times in 2024.

  • Commit to an exposure therapy program.

  • Increase my internal locus of control to the point that I feel strong enough to get through panic attacks when I’m alone with no support (just typing that makes me anxious…I have a long way to go).

  • Create a daily exercise program and healthy meal plan to improve my physical and mental health.

What is one thing I want you to know?

Struggling with mental health is like sitting in a tiny row boat, lost at sea, with no sign of land in any direction. After spending enough time going through that experience, you realize that you’re not the only person in the boat–a second person appears and they’re going through it every day just like you. You’re still out at sea. You’re still lost, but you have someone to talk to who knows what it’s like.


Suddenly a third person appears, and a fourth and a fifth! You no longer find yourself in a flimsy row boat, but a small motor boat. Now you’re moving through the sea; you still don’t know where you’re going or if you’re headed in the right direction, but you’re no longer stagnant.


Then, more people start appearing seemingly out of nowhere! Before you know it, you find yourself on a massive vessel larger than the Titanic! There are people navigating on a map seeking out your collective destination, others are along the edge of the ship with spy glasses looking for distant land. You start talking to others, learning how to navigate, supporting one another.


One day you wake up, look out along the horizon and see it–the land you’ve been searching for all this time. You set a course, keep your eye on the destination, and begin moving in that direction knowing you’re going to reach land soon.


I used to feel alone in that rowboat. I was there for a long time. It was lonely and it was scary. I spent so much time wondering if I was ever going to get a sense of direction or find someone to be in my boat, I looked out at the horizon many a night wondering if I’d be lost at sea all my life.


Turns out I was on that large vessel the whole time, I just couldn’t see it. If there’s one thing you take away from here, let it be this–you’re not alone, there is hope.

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